Last Night

yesterday my English teacher : Chong Helly,
just give us homework a.k.a school work, ''write 1 essay, about my experience for attending wedding day- more than 250 words'' actually i don't have any experience about it, i jarang keluar rumah for attending wedding. even my uncle , auntie cousin or what . so i finish the school work la, with ayat 'MENGARUT' last night . haha .
my otak didn't berfungsi at all + i so sleepy, omygash . eh, eh, sambil i finish my homework, sambil me texting with my pujaan hati lerr, HAHA
i start from 9.00pm and i stop at 1.00am even my essay didn't finish yet . huaaaa.
k, then tadi pagi, teacher masuk into our class 4 Dinamik and told us to sent the
school work, i'm not complete my essay yet, i taught all my classmate suda siapkan homework itu .
HAHA. rupanya semua pun belum siap lerr, it was our first school work for BI subjek.!
hiakhiak, eh, eh, and i didn't sent my Sejarah homework ler, matai lah kena denda nanti. ngiaahaaa . APA BOLEH BUAT LER , bye, Tc, see yah ~

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. comment lah :)
. 1 pun x pa :D haha